Debian Packages

If you want to use my packages, you can download them manually. However, it is probably a lot easier to add the following to your sources.list - it contains the packages mentioned below.

My packages are digitally signed - to fetch my signature from a GPG server and import it to apt-get >= 0.6, do the following:
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 13C9843F (import from keyserver)
gpg --armor --export 13C9843F | sudo apt-key add - (add to apt with sudo)
gpg --armor --export 13C9843F | apt-key add - (import to apt without sudo)

With the release of Sarge, I have abandoned the woody packages. They are still available but I won't update them anymore. I have no packages for Etch (testing) as I have not got an Etch machine running.

I have the following packages in my archive:

I386 only. All Debian boxes I have got access to are i386, so if you need the packages for another architecture, you must rebuild from source. Sorry...


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Last updated: 2006-03-28